Secretary’s report- minutes of members meeting of
September 25, 2019 at Saratoga Springs at the 17th bi-annual
meeting of the USS Fiske DD/DDR 842 Association.
Roll call of officers and appointees – all
present except Steve Gilbert who was absent due to illness.
-Secretary’s report of 16th bi-annual
meeting read and accepted.
-Treasurer’s report read – Account balance
$4,075. Dues continue to be $10 per year. Only 10% of over 566 members – 56
– are paid up to date.
Audit committee – Ed Baniak- accepted the
Treasurer’s report.
-1st VP report- no changes needed to
by-laws. Report accepted
-2VP report- no new news to report- accepted
-Chaplin report- no news – accepted
-Newsletter report - editor Siciliano- The
newsletter will now be published two times per year- January and July
-Historian report- Gil Beyer – book sales are
good. #3 edition of Tin Can is out- total sales for all editions is $1850.00
so far. It is recommended that everyone give a copy to the local library.
-President Beyer – website cost is $107 / year.
- Ship Store – Pete Brotschul – Store is
downsizing. Still in good shape.
-Because of the decreasing number of members at
reunions, members discussed Section 8 of by-laws, ie. possible dissolution
of the organization. --Jeff Kovite will research the various ways that other
ship organizations arrange reunions when the attendance is low, such as:
1. Combining reunions with another ship’s
2. Having reunions in concert with the Destroyer
Veterans Organization annual meeting.
-Frank Stancil suggested that members call other
members in their state to determine:
Why they do not attend reunions.
To update information, ie. moved/died, etc.
-Jeff Kovite volunteered to write a “letter to
the editor” at Destroyer Veterans Magazine to find new members.
2021 reunion- Pete Brotschul volunteered to host
reunion to be held in New Jersey/Philadelphia region.
Donation of $250 to Destroyer Veterans.
Election of officers: it was agreed by the membership
that instead of holding a separate vote for each elected position, the
present elected officers would be offered as a single slate. The motion was
agreed to and the existing officers will all continue as configured.
Meeting ended at 1130
20 shipmates present
43 total attendees (George Hodulik – BT2-1945-46
brought 11 of his relatives to the reunion!)
Guest Speaker – Cdr Thomas Rielly, USN retired
Ladies Tea - Hi story of Saratoga Springs
from19770’s until today
Tour of Saratoga battlefield – very interesting
Tour of USS Slater DE766 – also