Who was there
Andrus, Harold R
Baker, Buford and Margaret
Baniak, Edward and Johanna
Beyer, Gilbert
Brown, Bill and Jill
Cook, Ralph and Nelds
Coffman, Joe and Sharon *
Daniel, Mel and Deedee
Degnan, John and Providence
Dowling, Lee and Jo
Frazer, John and Janet
Hanner, Jim and Jan
Hanson, Jerry and Sharon
Hilt, George and Barbara
Hovland, Larry
Karcher, Richard
Kavanaugh, John M
Kovite, Jeff
Kropp, Fred and Shirley Sparks
Keach, Earl and Judy Kabeary
Loening, Bill and Jo-Ann
Logan, A. Scott and Susan
Pray, Edward and Shirley *
Rapson, James and Geri
Shipe, Paul and Lois
Siciliano, Sandie and Ralph
Starcher, Ernest and Jayme Fife
Taylor, Bill
Thompson, Charlie and Barb
Torrence, John (Bill) and Marcha
Vaillancourt, Bill and Jan
Valentine, Don and Diane
Wagner, Merle and Jennifer
Waldenstrom, Howard and Maureen
Warren, Ken and Mary
Welliver, Barry and Patricia
* Plank Owner
Other Pictures
John Frazer sent us over 130 pictures of the reunion! I've selected some of these for viewing. Clicking on one of the following pictures will expand the picture for viewing. Use the browser Back button to return here.