Official US Navy History
Built by the Bath Iron Works, her keel was laid on April 9, 1945, and she was
launched on September 8, 1945. She is the second ship of the United States Navy
named in honor of Rear Admiral Bradley A. Fiske, USN, a noted scientist and
The FISKE was commissioned at the Boston Navy Yard at 1500 on 28 November 1945,
with Commander C. H. Smith as its first Commanding Officer.
Following her shakedown cruise, she was based at Portland, Maine, serving as
engineering ship for Destroyer Force, Atlantic Fleet. Upon completion of this
assignment, the FISKE won inter-ship competition, the Battle Efficiency pennant
in 1948, 1949, and 1950; The Marjorie Sterett Battleship Prize in 1949, and the
DESLANT Basketball Championship.
On January 3, 1951, the FISKE sailed to join the United Nations Forces operating
off the coast of Korea, where she was under communist fire. She arrived in
Newport, Rhode Island on August 8, 1951, after circumnavigation of the globe.
She was de-commissioned at the Boston Naval Shipyard in early 1952 to undergo
conversion to a specialized destroyer. In November 1952 the FISKE was
re-commissioned as a Destroyer Radar Picket (DDR) and spent the next ten months
on shakedown training, and as a DESLANT Gunnery Ship in Newport, Rhode Island.
In September 1953, she participated in OPERATION MARINER, which took her to
points north of the Arctic Circle. Upon completion of this exercise, the
FISKE prepared herself for the Mediterranean, departing on January 4, 1954.
While operating as a unit of the Sixth Fleet, she earned a Battle Efficiency
Plaque for her performance as a Radar Picket Destroyer.
Upon returning the United States in June 1954, she became part of Hunter Killer
Force, Atlantic Fleet. After a yard period in Boston Naval Shipyard and six
weeks of refresher training in the Caribbean she participated in advanced air
defense exercises and spent four months as a unit of the Sixth Fleet in the
Mediterranean. In January 1956, she departed for OPERATION SPRINGBOARD in the
Caribbean and in May left for a four month Mediterranean cruise. The FISKE
underwent refresher training in the fall of 1956. From May until August 1957 she
operated with the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean. In September 1957, she left
for the North Atlantic to participate in a large NATO exercise. After a
successful cruise, and a crossing of the Arctic Circle, she returned to her home
port. From February to July 1958, the FISKE was part of the Sixth Fleet in the
Mediterranean. After a year of local operations and upkeep, the FISKE again made
preparations to join the Sixth Fleet for a seven month tour. This deployment began
on August 3, 1959 and ended on February 26, 1960. She was presented
with the Battle Efficiency Award for 1959. The FISKE returned to Newport, RI in
February of 1960 and in May moved to Boston Naval Shipyard for yard work. She
returned to Newport briefly that summer in preparation for a change in
Her homeport was changed to Mayport, Florida in August 1960, after a period in
the Boston Naval Shipyard, and participation in the LANTFLEX 60 off the east
Coast of the United States.
In November 1960, ten days of Fleet Operations were interrupted when the FISKE
and other units of Destroyer Division EIGHT TWO were ordered to the Caribbean
Patrol. In February 1961, she once again became a member of the Fast Carrier
Strike Force with the Sixth Fleet, returning to Mayport in August of that
November 1961 found the FISKE south of the Canary Islands as part of the project Mercury recovery force. She returned to her homeport in December 1961, and made preparations for a shipyard overhaul at Charleston Naval Shipyard, commencing in January 1962. On April 23, 1962, Commander Cyrus H. Butt relieved Commander Clifford E. Hunter as Commanding Officer. At the completion of this overhaul, she was sent to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba for six weeks of refresher training. The FISKE returned to Mayport late in July 1962 and participated in local operations while waiting to join the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean in February 1963. Another change of home port took place after this period. The Fiske returned to Newport, Rhode Island once again.
January 19, 1966 the Fiske started an around the world cruise. This
information taken from the USS Fiske Cruise Book. Underway from home port,
Newport, Rhode Island on the 19th of January. On the 25th of January,
she transited the Panama Canal and
Moored at the U.S. Naval Station, Balboa, Canal Zone. On 27 January, underway and entered
the Pacific Ocean. On 11 February moored at the U.S. Naval Station Pearl Harbor,
Hawaii. On 18 February, crossed the International Dateline, 28 February moored U.S.
Naval Station, Subic Bay, Philippine Islands, 11 March underway for first War
Patrol. On 12 March entered Combat Zone at 1022 hours. 13 March, Qualified for income
exemption, and Vietnam Service Metal. 14 March, Rendezvous with U.S.S. Ranger
(CVA-61) for plane guard duty. 18 March Qualified for hostile fire pay. 21
March, Detached from Ranger and attached to the U.S.S. Enterprise (CVAN-65).
April, Detached from the Enterprise and assigned duties as Search and Rescue
ship, SAR Station, Tonkin Gulf. 4 April came under direct fire from North
Vietnam's coastal batteries. 10 April detached from SAR duties. 12 April, moored
Subic Bay. 24 April, second war patrol. 12 May, Moored U.S. Naval Station,
Yokosuka, Japan. 25 May entered third war patrol. 10 June, Anchored Hong Kong,
BCC. On 14 June, entered fourth war patrol. 25 June, moored Kaohsiung, Taiwan,
Formosa. 5 July Moored at Subic Bay. 6 July Underway. 11 July Moored ESSO Fuel
Piers, Penang, Malaysia. 16 July anchorage at Cochin, India. 18 July underway
and entered the Red Sea on 23 July. 26 July anchored at Port Suez. 27 July
transited Suez Canal and anchor at Athens, Greece the 29th of July. Stopped at
Barcelona, Spain 4 August. Left Gibraltar, BCC on the 9th of August and returned
to Homeport U.S. Naval Station, Newport, R.I. on 17 August.
U.S.S. Fiske's Naval History taken from U.S.S. FISKE LOG © 1963
The Ship's Captain's
All were Cammander rank:
Charles Hubert Smith - Nov 1945-1947 (Later RADM)
Robert Irving Olsen -Jun 1947 - Feb 1948 (?)
David F. Stone Feb 1948 (?) - Feb 1949
Newell Edward Thomas - Feb 1949 -Mar 1950
John Enoch Pond Jr. - Mar 1950 - Sep 1951
Carl R. Dwyer - Sep 1951 - Apr 1952
(Decommissioned as DD Apr 1, 1952 - Re-commissioned DDR Nov 25, 1952
Powell Prestridge Vail, Jr.- Nov 1952 - Oct 1954
James Blaine Sweeny - Jun 1954 - Oct 1956
Cyril G. Griffin - Oct 1956 - Sep 1958
John B. Hough - Sep 1958 - Jul 1960
Clifford E. Hunter Jul 1960 - Apr 1962
Cyrus H. Butts III - Apr 1962 - Oct 1964
Decommissioned as DDR Feb 1964 - Re-commissioned DD Dec 1964
John Robert Ewing - Oct 1964 - 1966
John Illingworth Bradbury - 1966 - 1967
William McKinley - 1966 - Nov 1967
James Sylvester Brunson - Nov 1967 - Jul 11, 1969
Eugene Kirtley Walling - Jul 11, 1969 - April 30, 1971
William R. Pettyjohn - Apr 1971 - Aug 1972
Roger D. Grady - Aug 1972 - Mar 1974
Transferred to Naval Reserve Fleet (DESRON 28 & 30) 1973 and transferred to the
Turkish Navy in June 1980
John F. Fitzgerald - Mar 1974 - Apr 1976
2009 Reunion E-mail From Ship's Historian
Historian’s Report 11/16/2009
Here it is seven weeks after our gathering in Idaho and I just
realized that only about 8 of you that attended the Reunion
fulfilled my request to complete your ‘Blue Books’ with stories
of your time onboard. Either I’m as dense as a post or I’ve had
other things on my mind – your choice.
To those of you that did give me, or send in, your stories I am
deeply indebted as you have given me some much needed details of
the years you were onboard. Your stories have given texture and
depth to the bare details of deck logs and operations reports.
I’ve also received a great DVD from Shipmate Lou Nigro
(1956-1960) that he put together from his 8mm movie he took
during his time onboard. Shipmate Ernie Starcher is shown
working on a UHF antenna on the yardarm of the forward mast and
dozens of other scenes of shipboard life and liberty ports. This
is the type of material that gives life to our time onboard
There is another DVD that I received from Shipmate Bernie
Cobetto of the Fiske’s first Around the World Cruise when she
went to Korea in 1951 and crossed the Equator. There are some
excellent scenes of King Neptune’s initiation of the Pollywogs.
Dr. Cobetto was the Squadron Medical Officer during that cruise
and treated the 13-14 Fiske crewmen that came done with polio
after visiting one of several Far Eastern ports on the way back
to Newport. Dr. Cobetto turned After Officers Quarters into a
quarantine ward for those infected. The Fiske was denied access
to Marseilles because of this infection and those shipmates
infected were transported off the ship at Gibraltar to be
airlifted to the States. Anecdotal information seems to indicate
that all but one of these shipmates recovered completely – a not
insignificant number in those days – with only one shipmate
suffering permanent disability. Does anyone have any further
information on this event?
All of these little vignettes are what give life and breathe to
the Fiske. I want to preserve these stories and only you can
help me do that. All of you that attended the Reunion received a
‘Blue Book’. I ask that you complete the task I asked you to do
at the Reunion – tell me a story. A story about anything that
happened while you were onboard Fiske. Be it funny, sad, scary
or simply one of the ways that we used to fill the hours and
hours of boredom that was routine steaming.
I don’t want to be too depressing but I’ll say the same thing
now that I’ve said previously – we aren’t getting any younger
and when we go these stories go with us if they aren’t written
down and filed somewhere. I have been in contact with the Navy
Historical Foundation and they will happily receive and archive
anything we choose to send them. I’ve already just about doubled
their photo collection of the Fiske with copies from the
Association files.
So as not to leave out any one that wasn’t fortunate enough to
attend the Reunion in Post Falls I have limited number of Blue
Books available for those that wish to help me complete my quest
to full all the gaps and holes that currently exist in our
history and maybe, just maybe, give me some material for the
book that Sandie and I are trying to put together. Drop me a
line or an email and I’ll send out one of the books I have left
for you to fill up with whatever you want.
Gil Beyer
Association Historian
Ship's Crew History
Received the following information regarding the more recent history of the
Fiske, from Herb Foy:
In reading the history of the USS Fiske at the time of the Korean War, I see an
error in their time in Korea. The Fiske did leave for Korea in Jan '51 and on
arrival relieved the destroyers there and spent a tour of 6 months in combat and
returned through the Med. It arrived in Newport in the fall of 1951 and then
went to Florida and docked in New Orleans for the Madigra in Feb 1952 and
returned to Newport after that in March 1952.. I have some of the crew members
names if you need more info. I should add that in that 1951 tour the Fiske made
the trip into an around the world trip. We started in Newport and stopped in
Panama, the Hawaii, the Pacific Islands, Japan, six months off Korea. To return
home we went to Hong Kong, China, ports, India, Saudi Arabia, Naples and back to
Herb Foy
Here is some additional background of the Fiske's activity in the 1967 time
frame. This came to us from H. L. Foster:
In May 1967 Fiske departed Newport, RI for an extended Med Cruise. The first
stop along the way was a routine service stop at Gibraltar. Next came Malta for
Liberty Call. Due to an escalating situation between Egypt and Israel over
control of the Suez Canal Fiske was ordered to traverse the Suez Canal. After a
day in Port Said we formed up with the other ships including the USS Dyes
(DD-880) for our trip through the Suez Canal. It was a tense time while at Port
Said. Two Russian destroyers kept watch over us to make sure we didn’t get out
of line. This occurred at the beginning of the Six Day War between Egypt and
The purpose of our presence was to protect US shipping interests in the area. We
were monitoring all ship traffic into and out of the Persian Gulf. In some cases
boarding these ships became necessary. On occasion we were called upon to
perform rescue missions when ships ran into trouble as in one case when a
freighter ran aground. We brought her crew aboard and transferred them to
civilian assistance when it arrived. We remained in the Red Sea, Indian Ocean,
and Straits of Hormuz areas until August. Liberty Ports of Call were unusual for
US warships. They included Djibouti, French Somaliland, Massawa Ethiopia,
Bahrain, Karg Island, Madagascar, Diego Suarez, and Mombasa Kenya. We treated
Massawa as our “homeport” away from home. Stationed in Massawa was a British
ship named HMS Nubiam. Some of us managed to get ourselves invited over for “Rum
Call” once or twice. Something the US Navy never embraced for our ships.
Sometimes we even shared Liberty with them. The place to go in Massawa was the
Oasis Bar. They actually had American beer and hamburgers.
The plan for our return to Newport was to include a stop at Caracas Venezuela.
These plans were quickly changed when the carrier USS Forrestal (CVA 59)
suffered numerous explosions and fires on July 29, 1967 while operating in Viet
Nam. Our new orders were to rendezvous with Forrestal off the coast of South
Africa and provide an escort for her to Mayport Florida. The Fiske was
accompanied on this escort duty by the fleet oiler USS Nantahala (AO60).
Forrestal spent eight months
in the yards undergoing extensive repairs. Fiske finally returned to Newport, RI
in September 1967.
And after a few months Fiske was sent to Boston Naval Shipyard for a complete
overhaul. She remained in the yards until May or June 1968. Late summer she
again deployed for another Med Cruise returning early in 1969.
Additional information will be added, over time, by the Ship's Historian
as it is gathered from the crew.
Click the porthole to visit the USS Fiske picture gallery!

About Admiral Fiske
Picture provided by JD on 12/21/15 of Admiral Fiske's grave marker at Arlington.

Addition dated August 10, 2006 from Ship's Historian, Gil Beyer
Additional information about Admiral Fiske can be found at the end of this
While burrowing around in all the stuff I got when I became the Association
Historian I started reading a little about our ship’s namesake, Admiral Bradley
Allen Fiske. It soon became apparent that we should be proud to have served
onboard a ship named for this stellar individual. His list of inventions and
patents issued is lengthy and diverse.
Admiral Dewey, after the Battle of Manila Bay, recognized then Lieutenant Fiske
for his contribution in defeating the Spanish Fleet. What did he contribute you
ask? Well it seems that Lt. Fiske invented a device that allowed our gunners to
very accurately determine the ranges to the units of the Spanish Fleet. The
device was still being used when I last served onboard ship in 1979 – 80 plus
years after that action. That device – the stadimeter! What he did was use
information that was known – the mast height of the Spanish ships – and by using
a little trigonometry he could accurately determine how far the ships were from
his ship. This information enabled the U. S. Fleet to decimate the Spanish
Fleet. Fiske’s next invention improved naval gunnery even more. Again by using
trigonometry and optics he is credited with those optical rangefinders you see
in all those old ‘Victory at Sea’ shows. They look a lot like really huge
binoculars that have been spread really far apart.
Between the Spanish-American War in 1898 and the start of World War I Fiske, and
others, are credited with increasing the effective range of naval gunnery from
6000 yards to almost 20,000 yards. But he didn’t stop there. He also was one of
the first proponents of naval air power. He held a patent for the first aerial
torpedo to be launched from an aircraft. This support for airpower put him at
odds with the then Secretary of the Navy, Josephus Daniels. This animosity,
compounded by many other opposing views, lead to Admiral Fiske retiring in June
1916 after serving for 41 years after his graduation from the Naval Academy. He
was active in naval affairs through the 1920’s and died in April 1942 at the age
of 87.
Admiral Fiske is also credited for creating the Naval Districts as we know them
and helped to establish the office of Chief of Naval Operations and was a strong
advocate of navy preparedness. So, if anyone asks you what you think about
having served onboard the Fiske I for one would answer that I’m honored to have
served on ship named for a true naval hero and visionary. Also, he didn’t agree
with Secretary Daniels about removing alcohol from all naval ships.
Gil Beyer
Association Historian
Admiral Fiske wrote a number of books. Click on this link to view the titles.
Rear Admiral Bradley Allen Fiske--Biographical information about the namesake of the ship: