Member's Profile

Worksheet Form

If you would like to join the USS Fiske Association, send $10.00 for annual dues to the address that follows.  Make your check payable to the USS Fiske Association.

James Rapson 
USS Fiske Association
244 Park View Avenue
Warwick, RI 02888

Complete the Worksheet Form that follows so we can add your name and personal information to the USS Fiske Roster.  The Roster is maintained by the Association and is shared with no one.  If you DO NOT wish to have personal information posted on this web site, please so state in the comments box at the bottom.

In the comments box please give us a memorable event you had while aboard.  It can be a good or not so good event! 

Provide as much of the following information as you see fit. All information recorded here will be kept confidential. We release NO information about members.

If you don't want to be contacted in the future, click this check box. Don't contact me.
This a new Profile? New Shipmate
Updating existing Profile
First name:
Last name:
Nick name:
Street address:
City, State, and Zip code:
Telephone number:
Email Address:
Date you came aboard:
Date you left the ship:
Career military retirement date:
Wife's name:
Children's name(s):
Grandchildren's name(s):
Comments about your time aboard:

Put a website form like this on your site.